Use our standard set of Key Performance Indicators, or generate your own to evaluate your Law Firms, Lawyers, Legal Teams and key matters. Benchmark data from your first evaluation and from industry evaluations give you the data that you need to get the qualitative data you need to make strategic decisions.
Evaluate your External Law Firms, Lawyers, Legal Teams, Legal Service Providers and Key Matters. You can evaluate at regular intervals or one-time only. Have your Law Firm self-evaluate for themselves as a firm or a team leader. Law Firms can generate evaluations to send to their clients to assure alignment on business strategies.
- Matter, Firm or Lawyer Options
- Spend Tracking
- Comparison Analysis
- Dashboard Reporting
- Diversity Tracking
- Automated Reminders
- Mobile Ready
- Collaboration
- Team Evaluations
- Multiple Evaluation Types
- Customer configurable
- Online Support
Qualmet began as a solution to a business problem that our Founder, Mark Smolik, addressed as General Counsel with a Fortune 500 company. Mark saw the need for a business mindset in the Corporate Legal field to align in-house counsel with the corporate goals and objectives. As part of this initiative, he began implementing performance reviews of not only his internal team but outside counsel as well.
Free Trial
30 DAYS UP TO 2 USERS- Full product features
- Online Quick start and training documents
- Email Support
- Upgrade at anytime
- Additional support options available
PER YEAR UP TO 10 USERS- Full product features
- Online Quick start and training documents
- Email Support
- Upgrade at anytime
- Additional support options available
PER YEAR UP TO 20 USERS- Full product features
- Online Quick start and training documents
- Email Support
- Upgrade at anytime
- Additional support options available
PER YEAR UNLIMITED USERS- Full product features
- Online Quick start and training documents
- Email Support
- Upgrade at anytime
- Additional support options available
UNLIMITED USERS- Full product features
- Custom Training Sessions
- Enhanced Support
- Customization (e.g. SSO, Integration)
- Performance Management Consulting
ONE TIME FEE- 1 hour training for session for users, 1 hours training for administrators, email support.
ONE TIME FEE- 1 hour training for session for users, 1 hours training for administrators, email support. Phone support for 30 days for a single administrator.
PER YEAR- Features of Basic plus implementation planning, assisted configuration & setup, email and phone support for the year for a single administrator.
PER YEAR- Assigned account manager to provide implementation assistance, training, email and phone support for 90 days.
Qualmet began as a solution to a business problem that our Founder, Mark Smolik, addressed as General Counsel with a Fortune 500 company. Mark saw the need for a business mindset in the Corporate Legal field to align in-house counsel with the corporate goals and objectives. As part of this initiative, he began implementing performance reviews of not only his internal team but outside counsel as well.
Qualmet began as a solution to a business problem that our Founder, Mark Smolik, addressed as General Counsel with a Fortune 500 company. Mark saw the need for a business mindset in the Corporate Legal field to align in-house counsel with the corporate goals and objectives. As part of this initiative, he began implementing performance reviews of not only his internal team but outside counsel as well.